NMC Approved Genetics Journals List 2025

So, you're a Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology genetics professional eager to stay updated with the latest research and trends?

Well, look no further! We've got you covered with a list of NMC approved genetics journals that are sure to quench your thirst for knowledge.

These journals are under National Medical Commission (NMC) for their high quality, reliability, and relevance to the genetics field.

Whether you're a researcher or a author, these publications offer valuable insights, expert opinions, and groundbreaking studies that can enhance your practice and contribute to the advancement of genetics sector.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive list of genetics journals recognized by NMC!

We'll break down the top picks in each specialty, so you can find the perfect ones to suit your interests and needs.

Sr. No Journals ISSN Subject Impact Factor
1 aBIOTECH 2662-1738 Genetics 4.6
2 Environmental Microbiomes 2524-6372 Genetics 7.8
3 mSystems 2379-5077 Genetics 6.4
4 Environmental DNA 2637-4943 Genetics 9.9
5 Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical Development 2329-0501 Genetics 12.4
6 Genetics 1943-2631 Genetics 3.3
7 European Journal of Human Genetics 1476-5438 Genetics 5.2
8 PLoS Computational Biology 1553-7358 Genetics 4.3
9 Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 1759-4685 Genetics 5.5
10 Human Genetics and Genomics Advances 2666-2477 Genetics 4.4
11 Horticulture Research 2052-7276 Genetics 8.7
12 Human Molecular Genetics 1460-2083 Genetics 5.1
13 Transcription 2154-1272 Genetics 3.5
14 Cell Reports Methods 2667-2375 Genetics 3.8
15 Plant Physiology 1532-2548 Genetics 8.7
16 Clinical Epigenetics 1868-7083 Genetics 6.7
17 npj Genomic Medicine 2056-7944 Genetics 6.0
18 PLoS Genetics 1553-7404 Genetics 4.5
19 Plant Journal 1365-313X Genetics 7.2
20 Stem Cell Reports 2213-6711 Genetics 5.9
21 PLoS Pathogens 1553-7374 Genetics 6.7
22 Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 1879-0380 Genetics 4
23 NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2631-9268 Genetics 4.6
24 Oncogene 1476-5594 Genetics 8.8
25 Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine 2574-8300 Genetics 7.4
26 Epigenetics and Chromatin 1756-8935 Genetics 5.1
27 Molecular Ecology Resources 1755-0998 Genetics 7.7
28 EMBO Reports 1469-3178 Genetics 7.7
29 Molecular Therapy 1525-0024 Genetics 12.4
30 Systematic Biology 1076-836X Genetics 6.5
31 Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 2165-8110 Genetics 12
32 Evolution Letters 2056-3744 Genetics 5.3
33 Molecular Biology and Evolution 1537-1719 Genetics 15.1
34 Trends in Genetics 1362-4555 Genetics 12.1
35 Cell Discovery 2056-5968 Genetics 21.9
36 Genome Medicine 1756-994X Genetics 13.8
37 Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2059-3635 Genetics 37.2
38 Nucleic Acids Research 4962 Genetics 16.4
39 Nature Microbiology 2058-5276 Genetics 22.9
40 Genome Biology 1474-7596 Genetics 17.4
41 Genome Research 1549-5469 Genetics 11.224
42 American Journal of Human Genetics 1537-6605 Genetics 9.8
43 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 1545-293X Genetics 8.7
44 Annual Review of Genetics 1545-2948 Genetics 11.1
45 Cell Stem Cell 1875-9777 Genetics 24.9
46 Reproduction and Breeding 2667-0712 Genetics
47 Current Medical Science 2523-899X Genetics 2.3
48 Proceedings of the Zoological Society 0974-6919 Genetics
49 Stem Cell Investigation 2313-0792 Genetics
50 Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2405-805X Genetics 4.8
51 Non Coding RNA Research 2468-0540 Genetics 5
52 Journal of Genetics 0973-7731 Genetics 1.4
53 Journal of Genetics and Genomics 1873-5533 Genetics 5.9
54 The Nucleus 0976-7975 Genetics 1.3
55 Plant Physiology Reports 2662-2548 Genetics
56 Nature Genetics 1546-1718 Genetics 41.379
57 Nature Reviews Genetics 1471-0064 Genetics 59.943