NMC Approved Computer Science Applications Journals List 2025

So, you're a Computer Science computer science applications professional eager to stay updated with the latest research and trends?

Well, look no further! We've got you covered with a list of NMC approved computer science applications journals that are sure to quench your thirst for knowledge.

These journals are under National Medical Commission (NMC) for their high quality, reliability, and relevance to the computer science applications field.

Whether you're a researcher or a author, these publications offer valuable insights, expert opinions, and groundbreaking studies that can enhance your practice and contribute to the advancement of computer science applications sector.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive list of computer science applications journals recognized by NMC!

We'll break down the top picks in each specialty, so you can find the perfect ones to suit your interests and needs.

Sr. No Journals ISSN Subject Impact Factor
1 Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2213-7467 Computer Science Applications 2.0
2 3D Printing in Medicine 2365-6271 Computer Science Applications 3.2
3 ISA Transactions 1879-2022 Computer Science Applications 7.3
4 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 1941-0077 Computer Science Applications 7.3
5 Mechanism and Machine Theory 1873-3999 Computer Science Applications 5.2
6 IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2327-4697 Computer Science Applications 6.6
7 Developments in the Built Environment 2666-1659 Computer Science Applications 8.2
8 Social Science Computer Review 1552-8286 Computer Science Applications 4.1
9 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 1549-9626 Computer Science Applications 5.5
10 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2168-2208 Computer Science Applications 7.7
11 Journal of Educational Computing Research 1541-4140 Computer Science Applications 4.8
12 mSystems 2379-5077 Computer Science Applications 6.4
13 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2377-3766 Computer Science Applications 5.2
14 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 1365-2729 Computer Science Applications 5
15 Journal of Cheminformatics 1758-2946 Computer Science Applications 8.4
16 Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1536-9323 Computer Science Applications 5.8
17 Production Planning and Control 1366-5871 Computer Science Applications 7.9
18 Network Neuroscience 2472-1751 Computer Science Applications 4.7
19 Computer Assisted Language Learning 1744-3210 Computer Science Applications 7.4
20 ACM Transactions on Information Systems 1558-2868 Computer Science Applications 5.6
21 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1557-9654 Computer Science Applications 2.5
22 Computers and Geotechnics 1873-7633 Computer Science Applications 5.3
23 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2307-387X Computer Science Applications 10.9
24 Journal of Field Robotics 1556-4967 Computer Science Applications 8.3
25 IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 1558-2566 Computer Science Applications 3.7
26 Expert Systems with Applications 1873-6793 Computer Science Applications 8.5
27 IEEE ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 1941-014X Computer Science Applications 6.4
28 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 1939-1374 Computer Science Applications 8.1
29 Social Media and Society 2056-3051 Computer Science Applications 5.2
30 Cell Reports Methods 2667-2375 Computer Science Applications 3.8
31 Information Sciences 1872-6291 Computer Science Applications 8.1
32 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X Computer Science Applications 8.4
33 Information Processing and Management 1873-5371 Computer Science Applications 8.6
34 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 1558-2191 Computer Science Applications 8.9
35 Nature Computational Science 2662-8457 Computer Science Applications 11.3
36 Journal of Network and Computer Applications 1095-8592 Computer Science Applications 8.7
37 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 1096-1216 Computer Science Applications 8.4
38 IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1558-0016 Computer Science Applications 8.5
39 IEEE Transactions on Robotics 1941-0468 Computer Science Applications 7.8
40 NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2631-9268 Computer Science Applications 4.6
41 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 1558-254X Computer Science Applications 10.6
42 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Molecular Science 1759-0884 Computer Science Applications 11.4
43 Big Data and Society 2053-9517 Computer Science Applications 9.2
44 Scientific data 2052-4463 Computer Science Applications 9.8
45 Journal of Management Information Systems 1557-928X Computer Science Applications 7.7
46 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 1557-9948 Computer Science Applications 7.7
47 Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0736-5845 Computer Science Applications 10.4
48 Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 0968-090X Computer Science Applications 8.3
49 Bioinformatics 1367-4811 Computer Science Applications 5.8
50 Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 1467-8667 Computer Science Applications 9.6
51 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2162-2388 Computer Science Applications 10.4
52 npj Computational Materials 2057-3960 Computer Science Applications 12.3
53 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems 2168-2232 Computer Science Applications 8.7
54 Internet and Higher Education 1096-7516 Computer Science Applications 8.6
55 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2327-4662 Computer Science Applications 10.6
56 MIS Quarterly Management Information Systems 2162-9730 Computer Science Applications
57 npj Digital Medicine 2398-6352 Computer Science Applications 15.2
58 GigaScience 2047-217X Computer Science Applications 9.2
59 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 1941-0050 Computer Science Applications 12.3
60 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1558-2523 Computer Science Applications 6.8
61 IEEE Communications Magazine 1558-1896 Computer Science Applications 11.2
62 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2168-2275 Computer Science Applications 11.8
63 Digital Chinese Medicine 2589-3777 Computer Science Applications
64 Journal of System and Management Sciences 1818-0523 Computer Science Applications
65 International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 2074-9104 Computer Science Applications
66 Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Journal of Tsinghua University 1000-0054 Computer Science Applications
67 Science Robotics 2470-9476 Computer Science Applications 25.0
68 IEEE Wireless Communications 1558-0687 Computer Science Applications 12.9
69 Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology 2096-6652 Computer Science Applications
70 International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science 2075-017X Computer Science Applications
71 Journal of Geo Information Science 1560-8999 Computer Science Applications
72 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 1009-6744 Computer Science Applications
73 Journal of Social Computing 2688-5255 Computer Science Applications
74 Defence Science Journal 0976-464X Computer Science Applications 0.9
75 Data Science and Management 2666-7649 Computer Science Applications 4.61
76 Journal of Finance and Data Science 2405-9188 Computer Science Applications 3.69
77 Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527 Computer Science Applications 5.70
78 Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware 2666-1209 Computer Science Applications 3.34
79 Journal of Scientometric Research 2320-0057 Computer Science Applications
80 Quantitative Biology 2095-4697 Computer Science Applications 2.38
81 Information Processing in Agriculture 2214-3173 Computer Science Applications 10.60
82 International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2666-3074 Computer Science Applications 8.35
83 Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 2589-7217 Computer Science Applications 10.26
84 Blockchain Research and Applications 2666-9536 Computer Science Applications 8.42
85 Big Data Mining and Analytics 2096-0654 Computer Science Applications 13.6
86 Journal of Pathology Informatics 2153-3539 Computer Science Applications