NMC Approved Cancer Research Journals List 2024

NMC Approved Cancer Research Journals List 2024 : As per the new regulations (February 2022) of the National Medical Commision (NMC), India, only original papers, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and case series that are published in journals included in Medline, PubMed Central, Embase, Scopus, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and Directory of Open access journals (DOAJ) will be considered for promotion of medical faculty.

Cancer Research Journals List 2024 ISSN
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2473-4276
Oncogenesis 2157-9024
Cell Death Discovery 2058-7716
Molecular Cancer Research 1557-3125
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases 1476-5608
Oncologist 1549-490X
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 1538-8514
Experimental Hematology and Oncology 2162-3619
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 1879-355X
JCO Precision Oncology 2473-4284
International Journal of Cancer 1097-0215
PLoS Genetics 1553-7404
JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2515-5091
Cancer 1097-0142
Cell Death and Disease 2041-4889
ESMO Open 2059-7029
Oncogene 1476-5594
Cancer Research 1538-7445
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 1756-9966
Seminars in Cancer Biology 1096-3650
npj Precision Oncology 2397-768X
British Journal of Cancer 1532-1827
European Journal of Cancer 1879-0852
Cancer Immunology Research 2326-6074
Trends in Cancer 2405-8025
Leukemia 1476-5551
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2051-1426
Neuro Oncology 1523-5866
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1460-2105
Drug Resistance Updates 1532-2084
Journal of Hematology and Oncology 1756-8722
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2059-3635
Molecular Cancer 1476-4598
Clinical Cancer Research 1557-3265
Translational Cancer Research 2219-6803
JAMA Oncology 2374-2445
Nature Cancer 2662-1347
Cell Host and Microbe 1934-6069
Cancer Research Statistics and Treatment 2590-3225
Cancer Biology and Medicine 2095-3941
Journal of Carcinogenesis 1477-3163
Nature Reviews Cancer 1474-1768

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