NMC Approved Artificial Intelligence Journals List 2025

So, you're a Computer Science artificial intelligence professional eager to stay updated with the latest research and trends?

Well, look no further! We've got you covered with a list of NMC approved artificial intelligence journals that are sure to quench your thirst for knowledge.

These journals are under National Medical Commission (NMC) for their high quality, reliability, and relevance to the artificial intelligence field.

Whether you're a researcher or a author, these publications offer valuable insights, expert opinions, and groundbreaking studies that can enhance your practice and contribute to the advancement of artificial intelligence sector.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive list of artificial intelligence journals recognized by NMC!

We'll break down the top picks in each specialty, so you can find the perfect ones to suit your interests and needs.

Sr. No Journals ISSN Subject Impact Factor
1 IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 2379-8858 Artificial Intelligence 8.2
2 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2377-3766 Artificial Intelligence 5.2
3 Advanced Engineering Informatics 1873-5320 Artificial Intelligence 8.8
4 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1873-6769 Artificial Intelligence 8
5 Network Neuroscience 2472-1751 Artificial Intelligence 4.7
6 IEEE Intelligent Systems 1941-1294 Artificial Intelligence 6.4
7 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2307-387X Artificial Intelligence 10.9
8 Expert Systems with Applications 1873-6793 Artificial Intelligence 8.5
9 Journal of Memory and Language 1096-0821 Artificial Intelligence 4.3
10 Information Sciences 1872-6291 Artificial Intelligence 8.1
11 Pattern Recognition 0031-3203 Artificial Intelligence 8
12 Radiology Artificial Intelligence 2638-6100 Artificial Intelligence 9.8
13 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 1556-6048 Artificial Intelligence 9
14 Soft Robotics 2169-5180 Artificial Intelligence 7.9
15 Neural Networks 1879-2782 Artificial Intelligence 7.8
16 Journal of the ACM 1557-735X Artificial Intelligence 2.5
17 International Journal of Robotics Research 1741-3176 Artificial Intelligence 9.2
18 IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 2329-9274 Artificial Intelligence 11.8
19 IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 2332-7731 Artificial Intelligence 8.6
20 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2162-2388 Artificial Intelligence 10.4
21 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1941-0034 Artificial Intelligence 11.9
22 Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 2573-5144 Artificial Intelligence 13.4
23 International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 Artificial Intelligence 21
24 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 939-3539 Artificial Intelligence 23.6
25 Kongzhi yu Juece Control and Decision 1001-0920 Artificial Intelligence
26 Science Robotics 2470-9476 Artificial Intelligence 25.0
27 Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology 2096-6652 Artificial Intelligence
28 Journal of Geo Information Science 1560-8999 Artificial Intelligence
29 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 2278-0149 Artificial Intelligence
30 Data Science and Management 2666-7649 Artificial Intelligence 4.61
31 International Journal of Intelligent Networks 2666-6030 Artificial Intelligence 7.50
32 Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 2589-7217 Artificial Intelligence 10.26
33 Computational Visual Media 2096-0662 Artificial Intelligence 7.10
34 Big Data Mining and Analytics 2096-0654 Artificial Intelligence 13.6