Scopus Indexed Computer Science Journals List 2024

Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Computer Science Journals? Then you are in the right place.

Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed scopus indexed computer science journals.

In this post, we are providing a selection of top scopus-indexed computer science publications with high impact.

All of these journals are approved by scopus and are peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Some of them are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. Additionally, many of these journals are indexed in various databases like PubMed, Scopus, Embase, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (WOS).

This list includes the best national and international computer science academic journals. Some of them are top-ranking and highly scientific, with a high H-index and ranking.

For the most recent list of Scopus Indexed Computer Science Journals, see the list below.

Journal title Access Type ISSN Payment (APC)
Journal of Pathology Informatics Open Access 2153-3539
AI Open Open Access 2666-6510
Big Data Mining and Analytics Open Access 2096-0654
Digital Communications and Networks Open Access 2352-8648
Science China Information Sciences Subscription Journal 1869-1919
Journal of Communications and Information Networks Subscription Journal 2509-3312
Blockchain Research and Applications Subscription Journal 2666-9536
China Communications Subscription Journal 1673-5447
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture Open Access 2589-7217
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering Open Access 2666-3074
Information Processing in Agriculture Open Access 2214-3173
Quantitative Biology Subscription Journal 2095-4697
Journal of Scientometric Research Subscription Journal 2320-0057
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences Open Access 2455-7749
Frontiers of Computer Science Subscription Journal 2095-2236
International Journal of Intelligent Networks Subscription Journal 2666-6030
Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware Open Access 2666-1209
International Journal of Automation and Computing Subscription Journal 1476-8186
Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors Open Access 2228-7477
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology Open Access 2666-223X
Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering Subscription Journal 2095-9230
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience Open Access 2096-7527
Journal of Finance and Data Science Open Access 2405-9188
Data Science and Management Subscription Journal 2666-7649
International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications Open Access 2395-0455
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research Open Access 2278-0149
Defence Science Journal Open Access 0976-464X
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology Open Access 2411-7145
Annals of Library and Information Studies Open Access 0975-2404
Zidonghua Xuebao Acta Automatica Sinica Subscription Journal 1874-1029
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries Open Access 1681-4835
Journal of Radars Open Access 2095-283X
Journal of Social Computing Open Access 2688-5255
Scientia Sinica Informationis Subscription Journal 2095-9486
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Subscription Journal 1558-0008
Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan Computer Research and Development Subscription Journal 1000-1239
Ruan Jian Xue Bao Journal of Software Subscription Journal 1000-9825
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology Subscription Journal 1009-6744
Journal of Geo Information Science Subscription Journal 1560-8999
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science Open Access 2075-017X
Jisuanji Xuebao Chinese Journal of Computers Subscription Journal 0254-4164
Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology Subscription Journal 2096-6652
Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing Subscription Journal 1932-8354
Nature Biomedical Engineering Subscription Journal 2157-846X
IEEE Wireless Communications Subscription Journal 1558-0687
Science Robotics Subscription Journal 2470-9476
Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Journal of Tsinghua University Subscription Journal 1000-0054
Kongzhi yu Juece Control and Decision Subscription Journal 1001-0920
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security Subscription Journal 2074-9104
Tongxin Xuebao Journal on Communications Subscription Journal 1000-436X
Molecular Systems Biology Open Access 1744-4292
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Subscription Journal 1941-0026
Proceedings of the IEEE Subscription Journal 1558-2256
Journal of System and Management Sciences Subscription Journal 1818-0523
Digital Chinese Medicine Subscription Journal 2589-3777
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Subscription Journal 2168-2275
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision Subscription Journal 1572-2759
IEEE Communications Magazine Subscription Journal 1558-1896
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Subscription Journal 1949-3061
Journal of Service Research Subscription Journal 1552-7379
ACM Computing Surveys Subscription Journal 1557-7341
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Subscription Journal 939-3539
PRX Quantum Open Access 2691-3399
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Subscription Journal 1558-2523
IEEE Network Subscription Journal 1558-156X
International Journal of Information Management Open Access 0268-4012
Journal of Supply Chain Management Subscription Journal 1745-493X
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Subscription Journal 1941-0050
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Subscription Journal 1558-0792
GigaScience Open Access 2047-217X
Computers and Education Open Access 0360-1315
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems Subscription Journal 2573-5144
npj Digital Medicine Open Access 2398-6352
Annual Reviews in Control Subscription Journal 1367-5788
IEEE Internet of Things Journal Subscription Journal 2327-4662
Internet and Higher Education Subscription Journal 1096-7516
npj Quantum Information Open Access 2056-6387
ACM Transactions on Graphics Subscription Journal 1557-7368
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems Subscription Journal 2168-2232
Operations Research Subscription Journal 1526-5463
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Subscription Journal 1941-0034
npj Computational Materials Open Access 2057-3960
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Subscription Journal 2162-2388
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Subscription Journal 1467-8667
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking Subscription Journal 2332-7731
Bioinformatics Open Access 1367-4811
Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory Subscription Journal 1567-2328
AVS Quantum Science Subscription Journal 2639-0213
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies Subscription Journal 0968-090X
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Subscription Journal 0736-5845
Information Systems Journal Subscription Journal 1365-2575
Information Systems Research Subscription Journal 1526-5536
IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica Subscription Journal 2329-9274
Journal of Big Data Open Access 2196-1115
Journal of Big Data Open Access 2196-1115
Journal of Communications and Information Networks Subscription Journal 2509-3312
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering Open Access 2666-3074
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Subscription Journal 1557-9948
Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval Subscription Journal 1554-0677
European Journal of Information Systems Subscription Journal 1476-9344
Journal of Management Information Systems Subscription Journal 1557-928X
Computers in Human Behavior Subscription Journal 1873-7692
International Journal of Robotics Research Subscription Journal 1741-3176
Scientific data Open Access 2052-4463
Big Data and Society Open Access 2053-9517
Journal of the ACM Subscription Journal 1557-735X
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society Open Access 2644-125X
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Subscription Journal 1558-0008
Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Journal of Tsinghua University Subscription Journal 1000-0054
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Molecular Science Subscription Journal 1759-0884
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Subscription Journal 0736-5845
Computers and Education Open Access 0360-1315
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Subscription Journal 1558-254X
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics Open Access 2631-9268
Neural Networks Subscription Journal 1879-2782
Soft Robotics Subscription Journal 2169-5180
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Subscription Journal 1939-9359
Big Data and Society Open Access 2053-9517
Journal of Statistical Software Open Access 1548-7660
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Subscription Journal 1941-0468
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Subscription Journal 1558-0016
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security Subscription Journal 1556-6013
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Subscription Journal 2157-6912
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Subscription Journal 2157-6912
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Subscription Journal 1558-0660
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Subscription Journal 1941-0476
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Subscription Journal 1096-1216
SIAM Journal on Computing Subscription Journal 1095-7111
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Subscription Journal 1556-6048
Radiology Artificial Intelligence Subscription Journal 2638-6100
Journal of Network and Computer Applications Subscription Journal 1095-8592
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Subscription Journal 2325-5870
Nature Computational Science Subscription Journal 2662-8457
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Subscription Journal 1941-0042
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Subscription Journal 1558-2191
Information Processing and Management Subscription Journal 1873-5371
Pattern Recognition Subscription Journal 0031-3203
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Subscription Journal 1741-038X
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Subscription Journal 1741-038X
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Subscription Journal 1942-4795
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine Subscription Journal 2471-2833
Information Sciences Subscription Journal 1872-6291
SIAM Journal on Optimization Subscription Journal 1095-7189
Information and Organization Subscription Journal 1471-7727
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Subscription Journal 1556-1615
Cell Reports Methods Open Access 2667-2375
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies Open Access 2578-1863
Social Media and Society Open Access 2056-3051
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Subscription Journal 1939-1374
Journal of Memory and Language Subscription Journal 1096-0821
IEEE ASME Transactions on Mechatronics Subscription Journal 1941-014X
Telematics and Informatics Subscription Journal 1879-324X
Expert Systems with Applications Subscription Journal 1873-6793
Virtual and Physical Prototyping Subscription Journal 1745-2767
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking Subscription Journal 1558-2566
Journal of Field Robotics Subscription Journal 1556-4967
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment Subscription Journal 2150-8097
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics Open Access 2307-387X
APL Photonics Open Access 2378-0967
Computers and Geotechnics Subscription Journal 1873-7633
Database the journal of biological databases and curation Open Access 1758-0463
Database the journal of biological databases and curation Open Access 1758-0463
Database the journal of biological databases and curation Open Access 1758-0463
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing Subscription Journal 1949-3045
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Subscription Journal 1558-2183
IEEE Intelligent Systems Subscription Journal 1941-1294
PLoS Computational Biology Open Access 1553-7358
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Subscription Journal 1557-9654
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B Subscription Journal 1096-0902
ACM Transactions on Information Systems Subscription Journal 1558-2868
Computers and Industrial Engineering Subscription Journal 0360-8352
Computer Assisted Language Learning Subscription Journal 1744-3210
Network Neuroscience Open Access 2472-1751
Engineering Open Access 2095-8099
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Subscription Journal 1873-6769
Production Planning and Control Subscription Journal 1366-5871
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Subscription Journal 1941-0018
VLDB Journal Subscription Journal 0949-877X
Computers and Operations Research Subscription Journal 1873-765X
Advanced Engineering Informatics Subscription Journal 1873-5320
Journal of the Association for Information Systems Subscription Journal 1536-9323
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Subscription Journal 1939-3520
ACM Transactions on Database Systems Subscription Journal 1557-4644
Journal of Cheminformatics Open Access 1758-2946
Journal of Cheminformatics Open Access 1758-2946
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Subscription Journal 1365-2729
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Subscription Journal 2377-3766
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Subscription Journal 1932-4537
mSystems Open Access 2379-5077
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking Subscription Journal 2473-2400
Journal of Educational Computing Research Subscription Journal 1541-4140
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Subscription Journal 2168-2208
Computers and Security Subscription Journal 1872-6208
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation Subscription Journal 1549-9626
Social Science Computer Review Subscription Journal 1552-8286
Foundations of Computational Mathematics Subscription Journal 1615-3383
Developments in the Built Environment Open Access 2666-1659
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering Subscription Journal 2327-4697
Mechanism and Machine Theory Subscription Journal 1873-3999
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Subscription Journal 1941-0077
ISA Transactions Subscription Journal 1879-2022
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles Subscription Journal 2379-8858
Advanced Quantum Technologies Subscription Journal 2511-9044
4OR Subscription Journal 1614-2411
4OR Subscription Journal 1614-2411
Ad Hoc Networks Subscription Journal 1570-8705
Ad Hoc Networks Subscription Journal 1570-8705
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences Open Access 2213-7467
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences Open Access 2213-7467
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences Open Access 2213-7467
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences Open Access 2213-7467
Advances in Computational Design Open Access 2466-0523
Advances in Computational Design Open Access 2466-0523
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