Foundations and Trends in Databases 是一本致力于发表该领域研究成果的学术期刊 Computer Science. Now Publishers 是这本受人尊敬的期刊的出版商。.
P-ISSN 分配给 Foundations and Trends in Databases 是 1931-7883 它的缩写形式是 Found Trends Databases.
The growth in all aspects of research in the last decade has led to a multitude of new publications and an exponential increase in published research. Finding a way through the excellent existing literature and keeping up to date has become a major time-consuming problem. Electronic publishing has given researchers instant access to more articles than ever before. But which articles are the essential ones that should be read to understand and keep abreast with developments of any topic? To address this problem Foundations and Trends® in Databases publishes high-quality survey and tutorial monographs of the field.
Foundations and Trends® in Databases covers a breadth of topics relating to the management of large volumes of data. The journal targets the full scope of issues in data management, from theoretical foundations, to languages and modeling, to algorithms, system architecture, and applications. The list of topics below illustrates some of the intended coverage, though it is by no means exhaustive:
Data Models and Query Languages
Query Processing and Optimization
Storage, Access Methods, and Indexing
Transaction Management, Concurrency Control and Recovery
Deductive Databases
Parallel and Distributed Database Systems
Database Design and Tuning
Metadata Management
Object Management
Trigger Processing and Active Databases
Data Mining and OLAP
Approximate and Interactive Query Processing
Data Warehousing
Adaptive Query Processing
Data Stream Management
Search and Query Integration
XML and Semi-Structured Data
Web Services and Middleware
Data Integration and Exchange
Private and Secure Data Management
Peer-to-Peer, Sensornet and Mobile Data Management
Scientific and Spatial Data Management
Data Brokering and Publish/Subscribe
Data Cleaning and Information Extraction
Probabilistic Data Management
Foundations and Trends in Databases 排行 : 期刊排名是指对学术期刊进行评估和分类的过程 (Foundations and Trends in Databases) 基于各种标准,例如影响因子、引用指标、专家评估和其他指标。 排名系统旨在提供期刊在特定领域或学科内的质量、影响力和声望的指示。
的排名 Foundations and Trends in Databases 是 1241 (2025)