Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 影响因子、索引、排名

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是一本致力于发表该领域研究成果的学术期刊 Medicine. Innovative Publication 是这本受人尊敬的期刊的出版商。. P-ISSN 分配给 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是 2348-7348 它的缩写形式是 Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci.

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 目标和范围

The aim and commitment of the journal are to publish a research-oriented manuscript address significant issues in all the subjects and areas of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences. Journal is committed itself to improve Education and Research on Adverse Drug Reactions, Cognitive impairment, Drug Metabolites, Drug Interactions, Geriatric Medicine, Hearing Loss, Impaired Vision, Immobility, Incontinence, and Impaired intellect/memory, Muscle Weakness, Multiple Comorbidities, Old Age Home Nursing, Old People Health Awareness, Prevention of Falls, Psychosocial Issues, Pain Relief, and Palliative Care Geriatric Education, Polypharmacy, Renal Impairment, Renal Failure, Sarcopenia, Urinary Incontinence, etc.

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 细节

期刊名称 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences
缩写 Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci
打印 ISSN 2348-7348
在线的 ISSN 2348-7240
主编 Sunil Kumar, Professor and Head
科目 Medicine
访问类型 开放存取
地位 🟢 活跃

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 缩写

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 缩写 : 期刊缩写是指用于表示学术期刊完整标题的缩写形式或首字母缩略词。 它是一种常用的速记方式,有助于在学术出版物、参考书目和数据库中引用、索引和引用期刊。

的缩写 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical SciencesAnn Geriatr Educ Med Sci

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 索引

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 索引 : 期刊索引是指将期刊纳入对学术出版物进行分类和组织的可搜索数据库或索引的过程。 索引服务旨在使研究人员、学者和读者更轻松地发现和访问特定领域或学科内各种期刊的文章。

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 这 索引于


Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 提交费

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 提交费 : 文章提交费,也称为稿件提交费或处理费,是一些期刊向提交研究论文以供考虑出版的作者收取的费用。 这些费用与可能与接受的稿件相关的任何出版费或文章处理费 (APC) 是分开的。

提交费 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical SciencesRs.11500, US$200

Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 常问问题

是 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 索引 在 考研?

不, 根据我们最新的记录, Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是 不是 列出 在 考研.

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不, 根据我们最新的记录, Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是 不是 索引 在 斯科普斯.

是 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 索引 在 教资会?

不, 根据我们最新的记录, Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是 不是 索引 在 教资会.

是 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 索引 在 哥白尼索引?

是的, 根据我们的记录 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是 索引 在 哥白尼索引.

是 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 掠夺性的 ?

不 Annals of Geriatric Education and Medical Sciences 是 掠夺性的 或者 不是.